First thing you should know.

PointeShoesHi, the first thing you should know about myself is that my younger sister Ray, is training at the National Ballet to be a professional ballerina. She is two years younger than me. Before she left my sister was dancing at our local dance studio almost twenty hours a week. All of our mothers attention went to my sister, and I always felt like I was living in her shadow, with her gone now its even more so that way. I don’t have a gift like my sister does, I have activities but nothing like her. She practically has her whole life mapped out with a ballet career when I can barely even think of something I would want to take when I move away to University in a couple of years. Meanwhile everyone is telling me the time is now to have life figured out, and no matter what I choose to do Ill be amazing at. That’s enough pressure without being compared to my little sister every second of my life. I love her, don’t get me wrong and I couldn’t be more proud of what she is doing and where her life is headed, and no matter how much I dislike ballet, Ill be cheering her on front row at every show she does. Its hard to live in a shadow, I’m just trying to learn where I fit in my own life with my family and younger sister.

– AJ

PS My sister is a beautiful and talented dancer and she will be famous one day, I always thought I may be famous, but Ray got the longer stick in the end. Look for her at a stage near you.