Tough Realisations.

untitledHi. It’s really hard to find out, out of the blue one day that you ruined many past friendships because of your actions, you never realized you were making at the time. And then all of a sudden you ask them what went wrong expecting to be prepared for the answers of what’s to come and then…boom! It turns out you were the farthest thing from ready to hear you fucked up, it’s over, and you don’t get anymore chances to show them or make it up. I really wish it was possible to say “I’m sorry” and tell them that you’ve changed or can, but in reality, life sucks and its not that easy. I wish I could go back and fix, mend, and repair some friendships I’ve lost over stupid mistakes on my part, but that’s not how life works. So I’m laying here tonight praying I don’t let the friendships I have now be ruined by my foolish actions and continue on with life learning what not to do and to be a better friend. I’m sorry to those I hurt, to those that wouldn’t give me a second chance. It makes sense if you can’t bring yourself to find it in you to let me fix those friendships I’ve ruined. But I will miss you guys, and your love and your friendships you gave me. So, all I can do now is breathe, think smarter in my friendships, and continue on with my life learning as we go!

– AJ

PS Thanks for listening guys! I had a party last night with my friends now and it reminds me that I have amazing people surrounding me and I’m going to try my best not to lose these ones out of my bad behaviors I love you all! xoxoxoxo

PPS The red and yellow orchids is one of my best friend’s flowers and this topic makes me want a hug from her right now. So this picture cheers me up!